Monday, June 7, 2010

Found out Katie is doing tons better and they might let her out of the hospital in like a week or two!! We are all so excited!! Cousin's Birthday this week and party this Saturday!!! =)

Monday, April 12, 2010


Saturday we heard some bad news about my best friend Kaity. We found out that she is dying on a hospital bed in Salt Lake. Yesterday my parents went to go see her but i couldn't go cause i had a temperature. But i will for sure be going this Thursday. I will have to miss my track meet but i am willing to do that. She is so young she can't die. My parents said that she looked really sick. That all her mom and brother do was cry. My parents felt really bad. All they know is that she got a virus and it went straight to her brain and paralyzed her. she can't talk or anything. she only moves her eyes. I felt really bad when i found out her brother Alex is one of my best friends and i hate to see him go through all this. The doctor said that if she made it through she wouldn't be the same.

Monday, April 5, 2010

My Spring Break

I stayed home for my spring break really didn't do anything. I did go bowling on thursday with abby and a couple of more friends. Bowling was fun in Preston and then we went to go eat. We also had a big easter hunt. which i had to help with its funny watching kids searching for easter eggs. My family had lots of fun doing that. I also watched New Moon a couple of times.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Bowl

Wow the Super Bowl last night was quite an excitement. I think that the Colts should of won!! I hate Saints!!! It was an intense game but what can we do about it right!! I love the commercials for the Super bowl those are always fun. But I still can't believe that the Saints won. My family was going for the Saints but me and my dad. So we have gotten a lot of crap from most of our family. My whole family was at my house. We had fun and lots of junk food. Colts lost :(

Monday, January 11, 2010

First Semister of High School!!

Wow!! last semister was quite a charm. I think that i didn't do to good. I think that i could of done better. Simply because I was gone. So I have had a lot of catching up to do. But so far i don't think that High School has been to bad, it actually has been pretty simple. High School is way better than Middle School. Middle School was just a bunch of chaos going on. My goal this semister is to keep good grades so that i can go to Mexico again in May. My parents said that if i was good and kept up the good grades i could go to Mexico again. I loved going to Mexico it was so much fun.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.
Today i realized that life is very short. Ur life can end anyday, anytime, anywhere we don't kno.. I had never put much thought in dying but wut has happened what i have heard.. has really made me think.. i kno i'm still too young to kno about this but i'm really not i kno wut goes on around me i may act childish sometimes but i am growing up and i need to start seeing into my future what i want to do with myself.. i am not going to be with my parents forever i kno they will be by my side but still i need to grow and discover new adventures that await me..